Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Module 1 Subject: Worms and Parasites

This subject was disturbing to me, of course! The thought of having a worm inside my body or the body of my husband or children motivated me to take extra action to prevent the possibility as much as possible.

According to my GCNM text, it is possible that up to 85-95% of the adult population of North America is infected with at least one form of parasite (worms are considered a parasite). Humans can play host to over 100 different kinds of parasites from microscopic ones to tapeworms that can grow to be several feet long. With this prediction it is most reasonably possible that you and I are facing this fact.

There are dozens of negative health symptoms that could be considered signs of a parasite infection in the body. As you can imagine, the majority of those symptoms are related to the digestive system. However, there are many symptoms that one might not even consider a parasite being the cause. Such as teeth grinding, cravings for sweets, moodiness, depression, anemia, sinus congestion, and water retention.

Parasites feed off of their host. They either literally feed on the blood and cells of the host, or they intercept the nutrients going into the host and consume them. This is why people infected with parasites can become so ill.

  • Parasites thrive in warm and humid environments. So if you live in a climate that is warm and humid, Take Note!
  • Parasites thrive in soil and sand. Walking barefoot leaves one open for contamination.
  • Animal (and human) feces and urine are prime breeding ground for parasites. Be careful to use gloves while changing litter boxes, and handling these things. This includes baby diapers. Use a sealed diaper pale and keep in mind that parasites can also be in the air.
  • We are all taught to wash our hands after using the restroom. This is Prime Reason for doing such things!


If you suspect a parasite might be cause for concern, a colon cleanse might be a very good idea. Even if you do not have a parasite a colon cleanse is a good thing. A high quality colon cleanse will always include the herbs and ingredients required to rid the body of parasites. Look for products that contain: Wormwood, Cloves, Garlic, Yellow Dock, Pau d' arco, Black Walnuts, and Pumpkin Seeds. It is also a good idea to discuss your concerns with a Holistic Health Practitioner. They will be able to help you throughout the process of cleansing your body systems as well as rebuilding your nutrient base in the body.

I recommend this Herbal Colon Cleanse. I have personally used it and I recommend it: Colonix (Always read product warnings before beginning such things, and follow them!)

I also recommend this Colon Cleanse as an alternative to a Herbal Colon Cleanse: Oxy-Powder

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